Review Lesson

Ecco un breve riepilogo delle espressioni che hai imparato in questa Unit. Leggi con attenzione gli esempi elencati e prova a ripeterli più volte ad alta voce. Attenzione alla pronuncia e all’intonazione.

Nella prima scena, Bill chiede consiglio a Robert sui problemi sentimentali di un ‘amico’. Fai attenzione alla concordanza dei tempi verbali e alle frasi ipotetiche:

I thought you might be able to help me sort something out…

lf a friend of yours thought he was falling in love with a woman, what advice would you give him?

Well, if he wanted to show her how he feels, what would you tell him to do?

Robert spiega che cosa farebbe e Bill si mostra molto interessato ai suoi consigli… Anche in questo caso, nota il modo in cui sono state formulate le ‘ipotesi’:

lf he had a lot of confidence, l’d say tell her straight out that he’d like to get to know her better.  Well then, tell your ‘friend’ that if he wants to let her know, he will have to be subtle about it. He should try and convince her gradually.

lf he makes little romantic gestures, she will begin to see that he’s more than a friend.

lf he really wants to win her over then he’ll have to make a move at some point…

Messo alle strette da Robert, Bill confessa la verità: la storia dell’amico è tutta un’invenzione, i consigli gli servono per conquistare Gemma. Robert regala a Bill un ultimo suggerimento:

Bill, just be yourself. Gemma likes you a lot… Stop worrying about what might happen and do something!!

Nella seconda scena, Gemma chiede a Mary come mai, secondo lei, ultimamente Bill le stia facendo tanti regali. Anche in questo caso, nota il frequente ricorso al periodo ipotetico:

Well, perhaps he thought that if he gave you lots of presents, then you might do something in return…

lf he wanted to make a good impression, surely he’d have a reason for it!

Well, if that’s his reason for being nice then he is in for a big disappointment!

Nel frattempo arriva Charlotte, che spiega a Gemma la ragione inequivocabile dei regali di Bill. Rivediamo i tempi verbali e i modi di dire usati in questa ultima parte del dialogo:

You know, we were just talking about why he’s been giving her all these things.

lf you asked him, he might just tell you. He’s in love with you, dummy!

E ora via con gli esercizi di ripasso!

Review Lesson

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