Lesson 3: Surprise!

Sarah: So Jeanie, tell us all about Sam’s birthday party. We only came tonight so that you would tell us what happened.
Jeanie: Well, thanks for coming out after work. The coffee’s good here, isn’t it?
Sarah: So tell us about Sam’s party!
Jeanie: Well, you know that Sam usually forgets about birthdays, including his own. So I decided not to remind him so we could have a surprise party for him at his parents. That way things would be easier for his mother. They’ve got a lovely garden, too! I bought all of Sam’s favourite food and I invited all of his friends from work to make the atmosphere livelier. In the afternoon, Sam went to the park with the kids and I stayed at home, pretending to do the usual household chores. As soon as they left I went over to his parent’s house to set things up. The kids usually visit their grandparents on Saturday evening, so I knew that Sam would bring them later. Well, by 7.30 they hadn’t arrived. The guests were invited for 8.00 PM. Suddenly, at about 7.45 we heard a lot of noise. We ran out to the front and there was Sam. He was with the kids and all our friends and neighbours, laughing and shouting. They were holding big signs that read, “Happy Birthday Sam!” – Sam hadn’t forgotten. He had decided to have a surprise party to surprise me because he thought I had forgotten his birthday!”

Lesson 3: Surprise!

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